Saturday, January 7, 2012

Saturday 7pm Tribal Baroque @ ArtLab Studios

Saturday 7pm Tribal Baroque @ ArtLab Studios 3536 Adams Ave San Diego 92116 Free All Ages. Read the complete story and invite everyone you know to this great night of entertainment. Lila’Angelique One day in the Angel tunnel in New York's Central Park, when she was listening to Thoth while they were singing "Anya," it sounded like a baroque countertenor; but there rhythm, vocal whooping and roaring sounded so tribal, that Lila called there music “Tribal Baroque”. A combination of opposites: raw, howling singing, feet stomping rhythm, faces painted, breasts flopping, wild original costumes, ecstatic spiritual dancing combined with highly developed musical phrases, perfect pitch, Bulgarian-style operatic soprano and countertenor vocals, and classically influenced violin. Thus the name, "TRIBAL BAROQUE".

The Academy award wining 2002 for a short documentary about S.K. Thoth life as a performer in New York city and the life commitment that he has made to his craft. So please don't miss any chance you have to see Tribal Baroque any where in the world they are playing.

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