Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Blind Lady turns 2 this weekend

Here's where we're at with planning our 2nd Anniversary Event.
That's just how we are.

We will be creating individual facebook Events for all the nights/events. So stay tuned.

Wednesday, Jan 26th
Extra Event – Special Russian River Flights: Temptation, Consecration, Redemption, Damnation, Blind Pig and RR IPA.
Release of 2nd Anniversary T-Shirtsand Postcards
T-shirts will be long-sleeve.
Grab a postcard, write a note to a friend, get a stamp at the food register and we'll mail it for you the next morning. The OG check in.

Thursday Jan 27th, 5pm

To celebrate the very first beers we ever tapped at BLAH, we are serving H24 Flights and having a very special BLAH/H24 Collaborative Glass giveaway.
The first 155 people (of legal drinking age – one glass per person) through the door will be given a glass and be able to purchase  $2 glasses of H24 Alt and Orange Wheat until the kegs are empty.
facebook event

Friday, Jan 28th, 11:30am

 We’ll open at 11:30am for lunch and give away 155  2nd Anniversary Glasses. One glass per person of legal drinking age. (An additional 100, or so, glasses will be available for $5 each)
facebook event
Friday Night - TBA

Saturday Jan 29th, 1pm

The brewers and staff of H24 (50 of ‘em) are getting on a bus and heading down to BLAH to eat and drink with us. Oh, and they’ll be bring a special Cask with them. 
facebook event

Saturday Jan 29th, 3pm
We’re doing it again. The 1st 200 Craft Beer Cans sold will come with a BLAH 2nd Anniversary Koozie. (An additional 100 koozies will be available for $5 each)
CANS INCLUDE: Avery Brewing Co: White Rascal, IPA, Ellie's Brown, Joe's Pilsner Maui Brewing Co: Mana Wheat, Big Swell IPA, CoCo Porter, Bikini Blonde Oskar Blues Brewery: Dales Pale ale, Mama's Little Yella Pils, Old Chub Scottish Style Ale, Gubna Imperial IPA, Ten Fidy Imperial Stout, Gordon Imperial Red More TBA
facebook event

Sunday Jan 30th, 11:30am
Release of Automatic Imperial Brown Growlers and T-shirts. 

The first 50 people to pre-order their growlers through Automatic Brewing Co facebook for $22.99 will get a numbered bottle of out newest release. These will be the ONLY growlers available of this beer.
There will be no re-fills sold.
Growler pre-order info TBA.

We are also planning to print shirts on demand, live during the event. These shirts will be printed at the event and will only be available that day.
facebook event

Sunday Jan 30th, 3pm

Six 5oz Tasters side-by-side: Bam Biere (Farmhouse Ale), Bam Noire (Dark Farmhouse ale), Seasonal (La Parcela- Pumkin Ale), Maracaibo Especial (special brown ale), Oro de Calabaza (Biere De Garde), Noel de Calabaza (Belgian Strong Dark Ale)
facebook event

Monday Jan 31st, All Day

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Adams Avenue Farmers' Market/ E- Recycling Paper Shredding

FREE Electronics Recycling and Paper Document Shredding TODAY! at the Adams Avenue Farmers' Market! Bring your old unwanted electronic devices to the Adams Avenue Farmers' Market tomorrow!
e-Recycling sponsored by Recycle San Diego

ALSO bring your stacks of paper documents to be shredded (Drop Off Only). Document Shredding Sponsored by Pro Shred of San Diego.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
from 3pm - 7pm.
4674 35th Street Next to Adams Elementary School
Shop for your fresh fruits, meats, fish, vegetables and cheeses at the Adams Avenue Farmers' Market every Wednesday, rain or shine!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

ONE Space Left!!!!

ARTLab is NOW Open on Adams

Our mission is to provide a dynamic nurturing environment for creative professionals, working artists, and hobbyists alike. The lab is a membership based collective serving Adams Avenue and the surrounding community. We provide atelier work space for artists on a monthly basis as well as open studio space for working members. Members can enjoy the following privileges:
A place to create your work
A place to show your work
A place to sell your work
A place to relax with:

Wi-Fi Internet connection
A computer design workstation
Amenities such as coffee, tea and snacks
Discounts on printing and design services at Ego Id Media
Discounts on supplies at Visual Art Supplies
Discounts on other member products and services.
Networking & collaborating with other artists and professionals
We WILL engage the local community with art openings, live music and performance on a regular basis.

Monthly membership fees are as follows:
Supporting member = $10/mo
Working member = $25/mo

For more information please email or call (619) 293-1199 x115.

*Only one private studio left*
Please call or email today!
(619) 283-1199x115

Valentine's DAY is not that FAR Away!

Come in with the one you love for a special Valentine's Couples Massage - One Hour for Two People in the same room for only $165 - includes chocolate and a rose for that special someone. Booking dates are February 8 through February 14. Call (619) 269-9322 to make an appointment. Visit us online at

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Want to eat healthier this year? Want to Support Local Neighborhood Businesses also?
Shop the Adams Avenue Weekly Farmers' Market every Wednesday from 3pm-7pm at 4674 35th Street, just south of Adams Avenue. Shop local and your money stays local as proceeds from the Adams Avenue Farmers' Market support programs at Adams Elementary School.

Stop by your favorite or find a new favorite Adams Avenue Business on your way!
HELP US SPREAD THE WORD, Mark Your Calendars! FREE Electronic Recycling & Paper Document Shredding at the January 19, 2011 Market! Bring your Electronic Items to be Recycled or Documents to be Shredded.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Blind Lady Ale House Events

Sunday, January 9th 5-10pm
Townie Ride leaves BLAH at 3pm
Adam and Christy Coppola will be beginning their GIVE A BIKE: 50 State Bicycle Tour in January from San Diego, CA. Join them for food, drink, and raffles at The Blind Lady Ale House on Sunday January 9th for a kick-off event to support their journey and mission: to give bicycles to those in need. 

Sculpture and Art by Steve Florman
Monday, January 10th 6-10pm
BLAH will be open for Drinks Only
MIHO Gatrotruck will be out front from 7-9pm

Never before has photography been so immediate, so intimate, so able to capture the ordinary world in an extraordinary way. “Phonography” looks at this phenomenon in a new way - with a fascinating exhibit of photos shot on nothing but phone cameras.
BLAH will be open for Drinks Only
MIHO Gatrotruck will be out front from 7-9pm

A partial list of participants include:
Grant Brittain
Miki Vuckovich
Dave Swift
Woody Pirtle
Paul Frank
Andy Macdonald
Armin Vit
Felix Sockwell
Otis B.
Gabrielle Holley
Lance Mountain
Don Clark
Joel Templin
Christopher Simmons
Dean Deleo
Scott Mires
Harry Pierce
Jessica Hische
Gary Hustwitt
Patrick Dennis
David Mchank
Phil Beaumont
Susan Wang
Pete Reichert
Jason St John
Sean Kelley
Stacy Kelley
Mark Waters
Garrett Patz
Jeffrey Brown
Mark Trombino
Mitch Wilson
Myles McGuinness
Nena Anderson
Stacy Keck
Tracy Meiners
Robynne Raye
Madeleine Eiche
Terry Marks
Ed Templeton
Justin Ahrens
David Harrison
John Durrant
Nick Nacca
John Schultz
Max Dolberg
Pall Jenkins